Stuck on how to move forward or pivot? Ask yourself this

Casey Onder, PhD
2 min readMar 20, 2022
Photo by Matt Ridley on Unsplash

If you’re poised to pivot, facing what might be high impact decisions, “How” easily dead ends into “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure.”

Moving forward effectively takes:

  • Trust and confidence
  • An honest weighing of top options
  • Some strategy
  • Imagination, the big whiteboard
  • And of course, taking action.

Here are thought starters to get you going:

Trust and confidence

What if I knew?

What if I had no fear of failing?

What if I knew things would go my way?

What if everything would absolutely be OK?

What if I totally trusted myself?

What would me at my best choose to do?

What does my heart say, versus my head?

Why not?

An honest weighing of top options

What if the stakes were lower? Higher?

What is best case scenario for how this goes, and worst?

What would maximum benefit with minimum risk look like?

If I were advising myself as a trusted third party, what would I do?


What are all the resources I have — internal and external — to make this happen?

Who could help me get there?

What assumptions am I making, and are they true?

What are attributes/features of an ideal solution?


What if the obstacles didn’t exist?

What would be incredible?

What are all the ways I could advance?

What could a different approach (to the usual) look like?

If I were the world’s leading mind on this, what might I do?

Make wishes: What words describe how I want this to go?

What do I want?

Taking Action

What is the very next thing that needs to happen?

What would be the most direct and/or simplest route?

What can I do today, tomorrow, and this week?

What am I doing to not move forward?

What will I let go?

What do I need right now?

If you’ve gotten to “how” from “if” there are many pathways. They start with yes.

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Casey Onder, PhD

Executive Coach | Psychologist | PhD. Follow me on LinkedIn or sign up for my newsletter @