Hit the reset button on your power

Casey Onder, PhD
2 min readJul 17, 2022
Photo by Vladislav Bychkov on Unsplash

Our beliefs about ourselves are our own, right? Not necessarily.

Our minds are thought factories, and geniuses at finding ways to protect us. It might be counterintuitive that disempowering ourselves can be one.

If you find yourself holding back or staying smaller than you’d like to, below are some “quick fixes” to retrain your brain to think of yourself in ways that are more self-honoring, more self-empowering, more joy and success inducing.

Before you go through them, know this: No one belief is the solution to all your desires and challenges. Beliefs related to your sense of self or identity (versus behaviors) are by definition neither right or wrong. They’re not scientific. They’re not provable.

You can think of self beliefs as portals to possibility that you’re being called into, as tools for becoming more authentically self-, other-, and universe-aligned.

Before you read through them, I recommend you get your body, mind and nervous system settled. You need to be ready and willing to absorb.

Without further ado, here is a completely incomplete list of self beliefs. Write down what resonates and what you think will support you. If nothing resonates, fear not: You’re just not ready to absorb them in an embodied, resonant way. Including if you think they’re silly or corny (been there, this is likely just your mind trying to protect you and your sense of reality, trust me…). And it doesn’t mean you won’t believe them with a bit more surrender and a bit more elbow grease.

Empowering beliefs for and by you:

I will survive. I will land on my feet.

I deserve to be here.

I am a worthwhile and wonderful human being.

I am precious.

I am OK warts and all.

I know what to do.

I have value beyond others’ image

I have good ideas.

It’s important how I feel and what I think.

I am free to act and express.

I am able — to act, give, impact, receive.

I have something to offer.

I am learning.

I am doing it right — even when I’m still figuring it out.

I’m here for a reason.

I am powerful.

I am magnificent.

I am divine/godlike/cosmic energy.

I am loved.

I am called.

Happy resetting 🙂

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Casey Onder, PhD

Executive Coach | Psychologist | PhD. Follow me on LinkedIn or sign up for my newsletter @ caseyonder.com.